Jesus Christ

Help Me, Dear Father

Help Me, Dear Father

Help Me, Dear Father , is the suggested song for the New Testament lesson “Be Ye Reconciled to God” studying 2 Corinthians 1–7. This primary song isn’t one of the more well known ones, but it has a simple, sweet and pure message that is relevant to each of us. The style of this arrangement is a simple piano accompaniment that could be used to sing along with. 

Love Is Spoken Here – Vocal Duet

Love Is Spoken Here – Vocal Duet

Love Is Spoken Here, from the Children’s Songbook, is the suggested song for the New Testament lesson “Ye Are the Body of Christ” studying 1 Corinthians 8–13. My husband, Brad, reluctantly agreed to sing the male part of this duet with me. 🙂 I am so grateful to him and the good man that he is; he is truly the example in our home of someone who is kind, calm and patient with everyone. The Sheet Music for this duet arrangement is an intermediate level for the piano part, and can be found here:

I Know That My Redeemer Lives – New Testament

I Know That My Redeemer Lives – New Testament

I Know That My Redeemer Lives is the hymn I chose to do this week. The suggested song for the New Testament lesson “A Minister and a Witness”  was actually “My Redeemer Lives” which has a similar title, but different lyrics and music. I decided to use a previously recorded version (done for the book of Job in the Old Testament) since I felt it still fit very well with the message of the lesson in Acts chapters 22-28.

I’ll Walk with You – Vocal Arr.

I’ll Walk with You – Vocal Arr.

This children’s song isn’t one that seems to be sung very often, at least in my experience, but I remember teaching it to a primary group (children’s class at church) probably six years ago; I liked it and wanted them to get to know it. At first, I thought of this song as just being about people with special needs, but this lesson helped me see that it can be applied much more broadly. I feel that it has nice application with Peter’s revelation to take the gospel of Jesus to all the world, in that every individual is precious to God, no matter their appearance, socioeconomic status, race, ability or other factor.