Month: February 2025

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee

Over five years ago I wrote a hymn to submit to the new Church hymnbook (it didn’t get selected). A few months ago, I came back to this hymn to look over it and see if I should record it, but I found it needed a lot of improvement. With some time, perspective and more experience with all I have been working on since then, I could see that it needed more work. The message of the song is largely the same, but much clearer and more clarified.

Let the Holy Spirit Guide D&C

Let the Holy Spirit Guide D&C

I try to do something regularly that I call “Pray with Paper”. It is just simply praying with the intention of seeking to know God’s will for you in whatever parts of your life you need guidance, or who to reach out to that day or whatever might be going on…WITH a piece of paper (or a phone) nearby to write down whatever comes to your mind as you listen for an answer to your question(s). I have been doing this regularly for about three years now and still, every time, it takes faith and trust for me to listen and write down those thoughts. Just from this simple act, my love and connection with God has grown so much and I feel better able to receive guidance and revelation for my life. God is so generous!!