Hello! “Risen” is the song I chose to do this week to go along with the Come Follow Me Easter lesson. This song was written by Shawna Edwards in 2019. Here is what she said about the song: “Every good thing we have is because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Risen” is the result of my special feelings for Jesus and the joy I feel, knowing that He lives!”
Melinda Spence is on vocals with me along with Emily Clark on the Violin. Melinda is the one who suggested this song to me as one we could sing in sacrament meeting at Church around Easter time. We decided to record and film it as well. I’m grateful for everything those two added to this arrangement. They did such a beautiful job.
This lesson suggests many different scriptures throughout the Book of Mormon and the Bible that testify of and explain about the mission and resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it means for us. In one paragraph the manual says: “It’s traditional at Easter to ponder the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but what exactly does it mean to be resurrected? What insights does the Book of Mormon offer about resurrection?” Amulek explains that all will be resurrected and saved from physical death, but only those who repent will be saved from spiritual death.
- 40 And he shall come into the aworld to bredeem his people; and he shall ctake upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else.
- 41 Therefore the wicked remain as though there had been ano redemption made, except it be the loosing of the bands of death; for behold, the day cometh that ball shall rise from the dead and stand before God, and be cjudged according to their works.
- 42 Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the abands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death.
- 43 The spirit and the body shall be areunited again in its bperfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time; and we shall be brought to stand before God, cknowing even as we know now, and have a bright drecollection of all our eguilt.
- 44 Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be arestored to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body, and shall be brought and be arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the bFather, and the Holy Spirit, which is cone Eternal God, to be djudged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil.
- 45 Now, behold, I have spoken unto you concerning the adeath of the mortal body, and also concerning the bresurrection of the mortal body. I say unto you that this mortal body is craised to an dimmortal body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can edie no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus the whole becoming fspiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption.
- 46 Now, when Amulek had finished these words the people began again to be astonished, and also Zeezrom began to tremble. And thus ended the words of Amulek, or this is all that I have written.
Thank you to churchofjesuschrist.org (“My Kingdom is Not of This World”, “The Good News”, “Jesus Christ Speaks to the People in Darkness”, “Jesus Christ Shows Himself at the Temple” and “Risen Evergreen”), Brad Leishman & Steve Pierce (nature videography) for media that greatly enhance the visual aspects of this song!
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This video is published on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MarileeKayMusic/ and short reels of the video are posted throughout the week on Instagram & Facebook @comefollowmemusicbymarilee
Composers: Music by Shawna Edwards Lyrics by Shawna Edwards and Gary Edwards Arr. by Daniel Blomberg
Thanks so much, Marilee, Melinda, and Emily for excellent blending of musical talent, combined with great video content and incredibly important lyrics by Shawna. Well done.