High on the Mountain Top

This week, I am posting a piano arrangement of our Come Follow Me suggested song, High On the Mountain Top. We will be studying the book of Isaiah for the next 5 weeks and this week, chapters 1-12 are the focus.
Songwriting is the act of baring one's soul to another in the form of words and music.
This week, I am posting a piano arrangement of our Come Follow Me suggested song, High On the Mountain Top. We will be studying the book of Isaiah for the next 5 weeks and this week, chapters 1-12 are the focus.
This week, I am posting a vocal arrangement of our Come Follow Me suggested song, “Where Love is”. We are studying Proverbs and Ecclesiastes which are books that have been called “wisdom literature”, presenting timeless advice or discussing deep,
Here is a vocal arrangement of Dearest Children, God is Near You, to go along with the Come Follow Me Sunday School Lesson for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This lesson draws from 2 Kings
This was a new project type for me. It was a fun one. I enjoyed the meaning and added depth that each of these hymns took on once they were combined together in a new and different way!
In the days and weeks leading up to Eli’s death, I was, at times, very emotionally distraught. One day, I thought of the song “Peace in Christ” which was the Youth Theme for The Church of Jesus Christ in 2018. I found the sheet music online and printed it. I sat down to play and sing it that day and immediately the tears began to fall.