The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee


The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee Blog

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This hymn is based on the scripture “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” Doctrine & Covenants 18:10. Here is the Come Follow Me Lesson for this section of scripture. Elder Tyler Dalton is the awesome missionary I was able to work with on this song. He is serving in my Stake and is a beautiful singer and guitar player. It was a great experience working with him.

Over five years ago I wrote a hymn to submit to the new Church hymnbook (it didn’t get selected). A few months ago, I came back to this hymn to look over it and see if I should record it, but I found it needed a lot of improvement. With some time, perspective and more experience with all I have been working on since then, I could see that it needed more work. I re-wrote or re-worked almost all of the lyrics; I kept most of the melody & harmony the same; I added a repeating hook melody at the end of each verse; and lastly, I changed the title.  It used to be called “As I Ponder My Eternal Value”, yeah no, this is better! haha The message of the song is largely the same, but much clearer and more clarified I hope. The structure of the song is set up to be hymn-like, but with this arrangement we have taken some artistic liberties as usual 🙂

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee – Sheet Music

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee – MP3 Recording


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*Reach out if you would like the sheet music for any of the arrangements I don’t have sheet music for yet and I will transcribe and post them. You can find the songs I already have sheet music for here:

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The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee

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