I Hope

I have a new original song for you this month; it’s about my amazing daughter, Laya. It’s hard to put into words the emotions and story behind I Hope; the years of ups, downs, efforts, growth, set backs, challenges, struggles, determination and joy that have been piling up in the pocket sized moments of her 12 years of life. As her Mother, I haven’t quite blossomed to my full potential yet, but I feel this fire inside of me that gives me some inkling of what I am capable of. I have glimpsed, during sweet moments of inspiration, how precious she is; and they have been like rays of light continuing to lead me down the correct path. I have a lot of hopes for her and I believe in her. I know she is brilliant, unique and priceless. I just hope she can believe all of it for herself.

“I hope” will be available to download here for the month of June 2019. After June you can listen to it here.

Verse 1: You and me on a Sunday afternoon, sitting down in the front room. You choose a question, I say ready go. We’re hanging out until our connection shows. I smile, you laugh, we read our words out loud, count our scores, go one more round. With eyebrows raised you say, let’s find another game to play.

Bridge: Princess, with your deep eyes and your dark hair; you’re not quite a young lady yet. You’re almost there, you’re almost there.

Chorus: I hope you love yourself; remember who you are. I hope you love to learn and reach up for the stars. I hope you’re true to you and follow God’s plan. I hope you’ll make the most of life; believe you can. Ooh, believe you can. Ooh.

Verse 2: You and me with a book at the end of the day, and we’re reading our own way. Our accents change, and the laughter grows. We’re hangin’ out until our connection shows.

Bridge: Princess, with your deep eyes and your dark hair; you’re not quite a young lady yet. You’re almost there, you’re almost there.

Chorus: I hope you love yourself; remember who you are. I hope you love to learn and reach up for the stars. I hope you’re true to you and follow God’s plan. I hope you’ll make the most of life; believe you can. Ooh, believe you can. Ooh.

Verse 3: My arms around your shoulder, I squeeze it tight, say I love you, say goodnight. Now go to sleep. Don’t stay up too late. See you in the morning, I can’t wait.

I Hope – Lyrics
I Hope
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2 thoughts on “I Hope

  • June 11, 2019 at 3:51 am

    Special song for an exceptional person. Well done, Marilee. Many parents are singing along with you on this one.

    • June 17, 2019 at 8:19 pm

      True, True. Thanks a lot!


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