Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee

The Worth of Souls is Great to Thee

Over five years ago I wrote a hymn to submit to the new Church hymnbook (it didn’t get selected). A few months ago, I came back to this hymn to look over it and see if I should record it, but I found it needed a lot of improvement. With some time, perspective and more experience with all I have been working on since then, I could see that it needed more work. The message of the song is largely the same, but much clearer and more clarified.

I Believe in Christ BOM

I Believe in Christ BOM

It was in that talk (In his April 1972 general conference address) that my father first read in public the words he had written of the hymn: “I Believe in Christ.” His talk was entitled The Testimony of Jesus. (At the time he was not a member of the quorum of the 12 apostles, he was serving in the first council of the 70). But shortly after that general conference talk, (later that year) he was called to the apostleship.

This is My Beloved Son

This is My Beloved Son

This is My Beloved Son is a song from the LDS Children’s Songbook by (Words) Marvin K. Gardner, b. 1952 and (Music) Vanja Y. Watkins, b. 1938. Each verse talks about a different setting and point in time in which God the Father introduces his Son Jesus Christ, calling him “Beloved”. 3 Nephi chapter 11 contains the account of the voice of the Father testifying of his Son and Jesus Christ appearing to the people in the Americas after his resurrection.

How Gentle God’s Commands

How Gentle God’s Commands

How Gentle God’s Commands is an old Christian Hymn written by Text: Philip Doddridge and Music: Hans Georg Nägeli.
Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) was an English Nonconformist (specifically, Congregationalist) minister, educator, and hymnwriter.  Doddridge was known for ending his sermons with newly crafted hymns as summaries of the lessons, but his hymns were not published during his lifetime. The first posthumous edition contained 370 hymns.
Hans Georg Nägeli (26 May 1773 – 26 December 1836) was a composer and music publisher. Nägeli was born in Wetzikon, Switzerland. He studied under his father as a child and then opened a private music shop and publishing firm in the 1790s.