Jesus Christ

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son – Piano Solo

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son – Piano Solo

“God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son” is a song from the LDS Hymnal and is one of the hymns that is usually sung right before the administration of the sacrament to prepare hearts and minds for that sacred ordinance. This hymn bases it’s text on one of the scriptures from our lesson, John 3:16 ¶ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me

This week’s Come Follow Me lesson is studying Matthew chapter 4, and Luke 4-5 and is titled ““The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”.” In this video – I included depictions from three different stories found within these chapters – Jesus inviting his disciples to follow him, Jesus healing a possessed man and Jesus declaring he is the Messiah.

Stars Were Gleaming

Stars Were Gleaming

This week we are revisiting the Christmas story in our New Testament Come Follow Me lesson, titled “We Have Come to Worship Him.” What a privilege it is to take another look at this beautiful description of the Savior’s birth as it is found in Matthew 2 and Luke 2. “Stars Were Gleaming” is the recommended song for this lesson and comes from the LDS Primary Children’s songbook and, as is usually the case, the lyrics fit perfectly with the scripture passages in this section. 

He Sent His Son

He Sent His Son

Happy New Year! We are officially diving into the New Testament Come Follow Me schedule for 2023. This week’s lesson is titled “Be It unto Me according to Thy Word” and covers Matthew 1 and Luke 1. “He Sent His Son” is the recommended song for this lesson and comes from the LDS Primary Children’s songbook. Four or so years ago, I wrote a second verse to this song (the original has only one verse), no rhyme or reason why, I just felt like doing it one day, ha ha. 

Peace in Christ

Peace in Christ

Merry Christmas! This song is coming out on Christmas Day, the day before the beginning of our new Come Follow Me schedule for 2023 which will be a study of the New Testament. This week is a broad lesson entitled “We are responsible for our own learning” and doesn’t have a set area of scripture, but acts as more of an introduction to the New Testament. “Peace in Christ” is a beautiful song by Nik Day which speaks of Jesus Christ as being our way toward lasting peace. Some of the ways it suggests to find peace in Christ is by learning of him, feeling his love, listening to his words and coming to know him; some of which can be accomplished in the sincere study of the New Testament. 

Come, Ye Children of the Lord

Come, Ye Children of the Lord

This week, for the first time, I’ve done an instrumental collaboration with a friend of mine, Paige Vogt, who is a beautiful violinist. I am excited to share this with you! I had a lot of fun with this project. We adapted this piece from a two-part voice, violin and piano arrangement of the same song by Nik Day, Josh Rich, and Leandra Gibson. Also, for the first time in this series, I am posting a song that is not the “suggested song” for this week’s Come Follow Me lesson. Paige and I had been working on this project already for another event and I decided that I couldn’t pass up the chance to record it with her. Regardless, I feel that the lyrics of this hymn fit very well with these passages of scripture found in Malachi…  

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus

I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus

Here is my vocal arrangement of “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” The original song is found in the LDS Children’s Songbook; which is the suggested song for this week’s Come Follow Me lesson on Haggai & Zechariah 1-3; 7-14. The manual this week references Sister Carol F. McConkie when she said “Holiness is making the choices that will keep the Holy Ghost as our guide. Holiness is setting aside our natural tendencies and becoming ‘a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord’ [Mosiah 3:19]. … Our hope for holiness is centered in Christ, in His mercy and His grace” (“The Beauty of Holiness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 9–10).