Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
This hymn has beautiful, heartfelt lyrics and really speaks to the journey the Jaredites had and really every one of our journeys through life.
Songwriting is the act of baring one's soul to another in the form of words and music.
This hymn has beautiful, heartfelt lyrics and really speaks to the journey the Jaredites had and really every one of our journeys through life.
It was in that talk (In his April 1972 general conference address) that my father first read in public the words he had written of the hymn: “I Believe in Christ.” His talk was entitled The Testimony of Jesus. (At the time he was not a member of the quorum of the 12 apostles, he was serving in the first council of the 70). But shortly after that general conference talk, (later that year) he was called to the apostleship.
(If the video looks blurry while watching from YouTube on your TV or computer, press the gear icon (settings) and change it to HD 1080 for the best quality playback!) Hello Friends! Some arrangements I do require more time and
Text by Eliza R. Snow: In the midst of the Missouri persecutions in the late 1830s, Joseph Smith called on Eliza to write on behalf of her people and in their defense.4 She accepted the challenge, and by the 1850s, she became known as “Zion’s Poetess.” She wrote more than 500 poems in which she chronicled the history and beliefs of the Saints. Many of her poems became beloved hymns and were sung around pioneer campfires, in meeting rooms, and in temples. (source)
Hello! This week I created a vocal arrangement of the old Christian hymn, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, which is one of the suggested songs for this week’s Come Follow Me Book of Mormon lesson. I pushed myself on the speed of the left hand notes for the instrumental section and last verse of the song. It took some practice for me to get it up to speed and I had to record it multiple times to get it right. I never know what I am going to do with a hymn when I first look at it. I just start playing around with it and eventually come up with something. It takes some effort! ha ha.
Hello! Come Unto Jesus is one of the suggested songs for this week’s Come Follow Me Book of Mormon lesson studying Alma 13-16. This lesson is called “Enter into the Rest of the Lord” which phrase can be found in Alma chapter 13:
Help Me Teach with Inspiration is one of the suggested songs for this week’s Come Follow Me Book of Mormon lesson studying Alma 8-12. In this arrangement, I slowed down the speed of the hymn significantly which gave me more time to play around with the melody and rhythm a bit. It isn’t an oft sung hymn, at least in my experience at Church, but actually has a really pretty melodic structure.
Hello! Love One Another is one of the suggested songs to go along with the Come Follow Me Book of Mormon lesson this week. Love One Another is a popular LDS hymn with a beautiful melody and just one single verse. This arrangement is a vocal solo with an instrumental piano part and reprise of the second half of the verse at the end. The sheet music for this arrangement is available for free here.
Hello! “Israel, Israel, God Is Calling” is one of the suggested hymns this week to go along with the Come Follow Me Book of Mormon lesson. This arrangement is a modern, dynamic and unique version of the song and the sheet music for it can be found on my website: It’s a fun one to sing and play!
“I wrote the poem [originally titled ‘The Shared Loaf’] after a long and serious illness. I was convalescing (Convalescence is the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness or injury), and in a sudden, glad up-rush of gratitude for my release from pain, recalling the many mercies and blessings that had been mine those long hard days, and through all my past life, remembering the love that had been around and about me ever, I wrote the words of this hymn. Surely I have been given much; surely love has been showered upon me. God grant I may never forget to ‘divide my gifts with every brother that I see who has the need of help from me,’ and I trust I shall not hoard the love that has been so abundantly showered upon me.”