Behind the Music

Arranging the song “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”

Arranging the song “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”

My parents were visiting me and I told them I was trying to figure out what cover song I would do for December. My Mom told me that her favorite Christmas song is Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. I replied, “ok, that’s the one then.” I arranged a jazzy piano version of this song back in college at USU. It happened to be the only time this one professor seemed to be impressed with me!

Songwriting and Producing Clips for “After Today”

Songwriting and Producing Clips for “After Today”

Brainstorming – This song is about an event in my life, the death of our child. But I also tried to write it in a way that would apply to anyone who has cared for a terminally ill loved one who has passed on. Writing it helped me to process everything that happened and to maintain some hope along with it. It’s a brutal topic and a heavy one, I realize that, but hopefully it will touch some hearts.

How to receive free MP3 recordings

How to receive free MP3 recordings

I want to let you know about a new feature I am offering. Those who subscribe to by entering their email address in the sidebar under “Sign up to receive free MP3 recordings” will receive an email in the middle of the month with the latest mp3 recording attached! Free downloads are only available for a short period of time, so this will make it super easy to download all of my music for free as it comes out.

I Hope

I Hope

I have a new original song for you this month; it’s about my amazing daughter, Laya. It’s hard to put into words the emotions and story behind this song; the years of ups, downs, efforts, growth, set backs, challenges, struggles, determination and joy that have been piling up in the pocket sized moments of her 12 years of life. As her Mother, I haven’t quite blossomed to my full potential yet, but I feel this fire inside of me that gives me some inkling of what I am capable of. I have glimpsed, during sweet moments of inspiration, how precious she is; and they have been like rays of light continuing to lead me down the correct path. I have a lot of hopes for her and I believe in her. I know she is brilliant, unique and priceless. I just hope she can believe all of it for herself.