Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Dearest Children, God is Near You (New Testament Version)

Dearest Children, God is Near You (New Testament Version)

“Dearest Children, God is Near You” is another repeated “suggested song” which I first arranged for the old testament study of 2 Kings 2-7. This was the first video I did in this Come Follow Me Music series! I am happy to be able to say I have done 46 music video arrangements up to this date!  I know there are so many ways in which I can improve, but I am grateful to have been able to done what I’ve done so far with the Lord’s inspiration. 

The Lord Is My Shepherd for John 7-10

The Lord Is My Shepherd for John 7-10

The suggested song for April 24-30’s Come Follow Me lesson is “The Lord Is My Shepherd”. If you have been following me since I began this project, you may remember that I had already done a video of this song for the old testament study of the book of Psalms. You can find it here: The Lord Is My Shepherd – Psalms  Although the music is the same as last time, the video has been updated to include applications for these sections of scripture in John 7-10. I love that the Savior declares to the people, referring back to the writings of David in the book of psalms, that He is that good shepherd!

Jesus Said Love Everyone

Jesus Said Love Everyone

The suggested song for April 17-23rd’s Come Follow Me lesson is “Jesus Said Love Everyone”. It is a short, sweet and simple song found in the Primary Children’s Songbook. It has a clear message…. to love everyone! I appreciate the Parable of the Good Samaritan and included some clips from the film the Church of Jesus Christ made for it, along with another modern day example of a “good Samaritan”. If you haven’t watched these full videos, they can be found in this week’s Come Follow Me Lesson.

Jesus Has Risen/To Think About Jesus Medley

Jesus Has Risen/To Think About Jesus Medley

The suggested song for this special Easter week topic is “Jesus Has Risen.” As I was looking over this song in the Primary Songbook, I noticed the song next to it is “To Think About Jesus.” I played around with both of them and decided to combine the two into a medley. “To Think About Jesus” is one of my Mother’s favorite primary songs. She plays the piano and has accompanied for Primary many times. I felt that combining the two songs adds to the depth of the arrangement. I hope you enjoy!

How Great the Wisdom and the Love

How Great the Wisdom and the Love

How Great the Wisdom and the Love (Hymn no. 195) is a hymn that is usually sung as a congregation during the sacred sacrament portion of a latter day saint Sunday meeting.
The Come Follow Me lesson is called “Be Not Afraid” and is studying Matthew 14; Mark 6; John 5–6. John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. 69 And we believe and are sure27 that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

When Faith Endures (Piano solo)

When Faith Endures (Piano solo)

The suggested song this week is “When Faith Endures” which can be found in the the LDS Hymn Book. This song has only one verse, so it one of the shortest hymns in the hymn book. One of the scripture references at the bottom of this hymn is the following: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Master, the Tempest Is Raging – Piano Arrangement

Master, the Tempest Is Raging – Piano Arrangement

This week’s suggested song is “Master, the Tempest Is Raging” which can be found in the the LDS Hymn Book. This song is depicts in musical form the story found in Matthew and Mark 7 when Jesus Christ calms the stormy seas while out with his disciples. What I found striking about this hymn, was it’s use of metaphor to expand the meaning of that story to what we may face in our daily lives. This music video includes LDS bible film depictions of three miracles performed by Jesus Christ, which are just some of what is related in this section of scripture.