Upon the Cross of Calvary – Piano Solo


Upon the Cross of Calvary is the suggested song for the New Testament lesson “It Is Finished” studying the crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19 and can be found in the LDS Hymnbook. It is one of the hymns that is sung by the congregation to prepare for the most sacred part of the Sunday meeting; the partaking of the sacrament in remembrance of Jesus Christ.

I absolutely love this introduction to the lesson in the Come Follow Me manual, it says:

“In every word and deed, Jesus Christ exemplified pure love—what the Apostle Paul called charity (see 1 Corinthians 13). At no time was this more evident than during the final hours of the Savior’s mortal life. His dignified silence in the face of false accusations demonstrated that He “is not easily provoked” (1 Corinthians 13:5). His willingness to submit to scourging, mocking, and crucifixion—while restraining His power to end His torments—showed that He “suffereth long” and “beareth all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7). His compassion toward His mother and His mercy toward His crucifiers—even during His own incomparable suffering—revealed that He “seeketh not [His] own” (1 Corinthians 13:5). In His final moments on earth, Jesus was doing what He had done throughout His mortal ministry—teaching us by showing us. Indeed, charity is “the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47).”

Reading the above summary makes me think about the hardest moments of my life, or even the daily irritations: am I displaying the type of character, charity and long suffering that I want to be in those moments? He led the way for us. He is the ultimate example and inspiration.

The scripture references for Upon the Cross of Calvary are: Luke 23:33, 46, Helaman 14:14-19

Composers: Text: Vilate Raile, 1890-1954 Music: Leroy J. Robertson, 1896-1971

A few of the Church’s videos included within this arrangement are: “Jesus is Condemned before Pilate” and “Jesus is Scourged and Crucified” by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

If you enjoy this content, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and like this video 🙂

This video is published on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MarileeKayMusic/

and short excerpts of the videos are posted throughout each week on Instagram @comefollowmemusicbymarilee

Select images and film used within this music video come from churchofjesuschrist.org, Marilee Leishman and certain nature photography/film by Steve Pierce

Upon the Cross of Calvary – Piano Solo

One thought on “Upon the Cross of Calvary – Piano Solo

  • June 19, 2023 at 12:10 am

    Thank you, Marilee, for getting my week of studying off to a great start with your beautiful piano playing and video. I loved your written introduction, too.


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